Keeping track of your finances can get complicated, especially if you share any expenses with friends or colleagues or you’re spending money on behalf of your employer. Billpin is an app that should...
If you’re searching for a no-fuss way to share the odd file take a look at You can use it in any browser without any plugins or installations – you don’t even need to register although doing so...
View ArticleNEWS: Address to impress, perfect presentations class
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be running a webinar class with The Next Web Academy on 21st November at 6pm GMT. TESTIMONIAL FROM Roger Brown, CEO Peerius “We invited Kate to deliver this class...
View ArticleSmugMug
If you’re a digital photo buff you want more than just a cloud storage site to stuff all your albums – you want to give them a home on the web. Smugmug does just that with a beautiful interface that’s...
If you spend any time on the social web you’ll have the phrase trending topics… these are subjects, posts, tweets or articles that gather a head of steam so enough people are talking about them all at...
View ArticleESSENTIALS: Protecting your photos online
PROTECTED PICTURE POSTING Posting photographs that don’t belong to you on a website or blog can be a costly business – at least it can if you are news organisations Agence France-Presse and Getty...
View ArticleSend Anywhere
If you have a large file to send over the internet or transfer between your own devices without having to network them up, Send Anywhere, is a free peer-to-peer file transfer service that works through...
View ArticleLIFE HACK: A better way to be social?
We humans are social creatures. It’s probably the main reason we became so dominant on this planet so it’s hardly surprising we are trying to cast our social nets out into the unfathomable new digital...
View ArticleESSENTIALS: In-depth guide to live streaming app Periscope
Reports of life-streaming app Periscope being overrun by perverts and claims that female streamers are routinely bombarded with sexual harassment are rife, and while I’m not saying that doesn’t happen,...
View ArticleESSENTIALS: Back to School
Well it’s halfway through the first term/semester already – can you believe it?! I’m guessing that there are quite a few parents and students out there who don’t know whether they’re coming or going?...
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